
Leftist commentary from a mouthy bitch

Because I do not for one solitary moment believe my trollish little buddies have left…

I have a couple of points to make:

If your treating other people as human beings is dependent on whether or not *I’m* nice to you or swear, you already lose.

If your opening gambit is that my salty language has offended your tender ears and I should be nicer to you, you already lose.

And that “more flies with honey than vinegar” thing is a bullshit cop out. Because being well-behaved and tractable has done soooooo much for movements like Feminism in the past. Uh, huh… Yup. You know that quote, “Well-behaved women seldom make history?” Well, they rarely get treated as more than doormats either.

I would like to bring your attention to the following link on the Tone Argument: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Tone_argument

See, calling someone out on their tone is a DERAILING TACTIC. It essentially means that you can’t ACTUALLY refute their argument, so you’re going to pick on HOW they said it, versus WHAT they said.

“If you *Fatties/POC/Women/Gays* would just be nicer about it, maybe we’d listen to you.”

Yeah, and maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt. This is you looking, searching, working for a reason to discount something you don’t understand, don’t get, don’t agree with or can’t win because it hurts your fee-fees or bothers you for some other bizarre reason.

And, as I’ve found repeatedly, if you ARE nice, then they demand you be less emotional, or my favorite, demand that you quit burying them in citations. Yes, I’ve gotten all of these demands here in various posts.

Which brings me to my third point: If you feel attacked by an entry here, you probably have a reason to. It’s like when I wrote a GGR entry about Mansplaining. If your first response is to go “Nuh, uh!” and tell me all about how I’m wrong, then you’re probably a Mansplainer.

See, I’ve never met any of our last round of anonymous trolls (as opposed to trolls in the past who I had met, and who were just really, really bad at disguising their identities), so I couldn’t have been speaking directly to them, but guilty consciences will out. If a post calling for you to treat all people as people regardless of whether or not you find them fuckable makes you feel bad? It probably means that you don’t treat people like people unless you find them fuckable.

And, as I’ve said before, that is the mark of the asshole.

So are bullshit derailing tactics like the Tone Argument, StrawMen, Bait and Switch… You can find the wiki article with Google as easily as I can.

Nevermind the sheer chutzpah of coming into MY space to demand that *I* cater to *YOUR* needs because you obviously know better than I do how to do Feminism or scholarship (ha ha ha haaaaa!!!).*

So here’s the deal. I won’t go into your “guy/thin/straight/Republican” only spaces and demand you cave to my delicate prairie flower sensibilities in your space, return the favor.

That said, I don’t mind debate, actual, honest debate. I do mind derailing in all of it’s forms.

So kindly do us all a favor and go fuck yourself, kthnxbye.

*The idea that “scholars” don’t swear is fucking laughable. You should have heard all the grad students in the history department when we’d get geared up in seminar. Holy shit, if you think my 12 swear words in the last post was bad, those seminars would have sent you running for the hills.

9 comments on “Because I do not for one solitary moment believe my trollish little buddies have left…

  1. biomekanic
    February 25, 2010

    Just a thank you for these
    I was having an online arguement with someone, and posts such as the polimicks ones and posts I have read elsewhere helped me to spot an entitlement troll.


    • sirriamnis
      February 25, 2010

      Re: Just a thank you for these
      I sometimes have problems with it because I do really want to believe that people who start debates really are interested in actual debate. But an awful lot of them really aren’t.


      • kurosau
        February 25, 2010

        Re: Just a thank you for these
        And I have problems in that I see trolls and want to irritate them until they decide the internet is no more fun.


      • biomekanic
        February 25, 2010

        Re: Just a thank you for these
        Oh, I had a doozy of one today, his final post was that if I wanted to keep my dignity, I wouldn’t respond to him.
        I asked a friend who he was – he’s on her FB friend’s list. “Some guy, I think I met him at a party once. I he’s the boyfriend of someone I know. Maybe. He’s an ass and I ignore him because he’s a troll.”
        I was quite pleased with myself when I spotted his entitlement issues – he couldn’t afford the book I pointed out was worth reading. When I pointed out that the copy I read came from a library, which is known for free books, his next excuse was that he didn’t have the time to read a book that would draw conclusions he didn’t agree with, so I should explain it to him. I gave him the book’s thesis – which wasn’t enough. Apparently I should have cited sources. *eyeroll* His posts were full of veiled insults, and my taking umbrage at personal attacks was me being to sensitive.
        I got GF points for walking away.


      • biomekanic
        February 25, 2010

        OT, Re your icon
        It’s true! She has been ruining SF since 1818! She talks about feelings in Frankenstein! Oh the horror!


      • txtriffidranch
        February 25, 2010

        Re: Just a thank you for these
        I recognized and got tired of that level of “debate” in high school. They don’t want a debate: they want to keep nitpicking until their opponent leaves in disgust, so they can claim victory. My best friend’s brother is a grand master of that level of debate, where he’ll demand answers and then interrupt with more demands before you’ve had a chance to finish with the first one. I finally told him “I’ll answer your questions, but if you interrupt me again, I’m going to punch you out.” He discovered too late that I intended to follow through.


  2. garpu
    February 25, 2010

    “*The idea that “scholars” don’t swear is fucking laughable. You should have heard all the grad students in the history department when we’d get geared up in seminar. Holy shit, if you think my 12 swear words in the last post was bad, those seminars would have sent you running for the hills.”
    Hah. I’ve been at conferences before, where I wasn’t sure if it was an academic conference or a hockey game. No, I take that back. There’s less fighting in the NHL these days.


  3. hotchka41
    February 25, 2010

    I am so glad I found this blog!
    I’m tired of being told how my being fat is so terrible and I’m going to fall over dead any second and I have no right to be treated with respect on an airplane, or anywhere else and I’m raising thin people’s health care costs simply by existing. But if I get mad and argue, I’m the one being RUDE and UNREASONABLE.


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