
Leftist commentary from a mouthy bitch

Why are Libruls so MEEEEEAAAAANNNNNNNNN?????????

Ok, there have already been a couple of analyses of this article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/how-should-conservatives-deal-with-the-lefts-disrespect-and-lack-of-empathy/?singlepage=true The seminal cause of this, ok I’ll be honest, utterly ridiculous piece of “journalism” is a right-wing blogger, Jeff G., who had listed his favorite creative writing professor on his “About” page. When said professor found out, he emailed this blogger and requested he remove the professor’s name from the page: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=17489#more-17489


Would you mind taking my name off your “about” page on Proteinwisdom? I’ve always liked you and your fiction, and your and [name redacted] impetus to make that conference happen, at that moment in time, did a great deal to speed this program along. I was also simply grateful to have you in the program when you came along, because you were–and are–a very smart and intellectual fiction writer, a rare commodity still, to this day. But I am more and more alarmed by the writings in this website of yours, and I do not want to be associated with it.

Brian Kiteley

Ok, so in this request, the professor not only said that he liked Jeff’s fiction, and Jeff himself, but he also complimented the writer’s intelligence, and his fiction again, before stating that he did not want to be associated with the writings of Jeff’s political blog.

Jeff, of course acts like Professor Kitely has not only shot his dog, but searched out every written word Jeff has ever committed and burned them all on a pyre (built on the dog’s corpse) in front of him while cackling wildly. He calls it a “repudiation” of everything he’s written. Professor Kitely has taken away his birthday, Christmas and the Fourth of July.

So he called his former favorite professor for clarification.


When pressed, his professor said that Jeff had become a jerk.

GASP!!!! Grab the smelling salts and hide the children! A JERK!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Ok, Dude… You write really inflammatory right-ist bullshit. A jerk is probably the nicest thing I could think to call you.

But, enough on the cause of Helen’s article. Back to the article.

She posits that Liberals are “like psychopaths” in their inability to feel empathy for conservatives. She says that they don’t understand conservative ideals because they are insulated from the in their ivory tower, liberal bubbles. She says that it’s a lack of education…

Mmmm, well, who keeps defunding education, I wonder? It sure as shit isn’t the liberals.

And lack of empathy? What the…? Where have you been for the last fifty years? “Bleeding Heart Liberal” is one of the favored insults toward us. Because we want to make sure children eat, sick people are healed and everyone has a place to live.

Maybe she’s right, I do have a marked lack of empathy for people who HAVE NO EMPATHY FOR ME OR ANYONE ELSE. I have no empathy for assholes who see immigrants killing themselves to get here and think, “Send them back” or even better, as a comic reposted by poor victimized Jeff stated, accuse liberals of wanting to allow immigration because BROWN PEOPLE WILL VOTE FOR THEM!!!!! Jeff cheered for Darlene Click’s “editorial” cartoon that depicts Obama as a rapist.


REALLY? You guys don’t get why Liberals are fed up with your stupid, ignorant, greedy, evil bullshit? You don’t get that we’re tired of watching people die for lack of health care, watching doctors get shot for performing a legal procedure, watching American jobs bleed overseas because of laissez-faire business practices, watching people die because the FDA has been neutered by the GOP, watching pollution levels climb and safety standards decline…

We’re the ones who lack empathy?

I suggest you assholes invest in a fucking dictionary and figure out what that word actually means. Because you know what? We’re not the ones who lack empathy. We’re the ones trying to fix what YOUR lack of empathy has wrought.

Give me a call after you grow a fucking heart.

Both Melissa at Shakesville: http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2010/03/bubble-people.html
And Jesse at Pandagon: http://pandagon.net/index.php/site/comments/why_are_all_these_homosexuals_making_me_think_about_my_shapely_toned_buttoc/
Have taken this down. On the Pandagon thread, check out comment #35, way less profane than I can manage right now.

ETA: Go check out Jeff’s changes to his About page: http://proteinwisdom.com/?page_id=9305
Real mature there, sweetheart.

ETA 2: Apparently, I’m not done yet. I get this crap whenever I delete someone comments or whatever on a blog post. “You’re censoring MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!”

No, I’m not. I’m not letting you pollute my blog, or silence me by being a jerk. If you want, you are perfectly welcome to go out there and found http://www.polimicks-is-a-great-big-cunt.com and tell the world how much I suck all the livelong day. I can’t stop you. Censorship would be if I could, and did.

20 comments on “Why are Libruls so MEEEEEAAAAANNNNNNNNN?????????

  1. spitphyre
    March 30, 2010

    A friend of mine just linked me to this today http://adultthought.ucsd.edu/Culture_War/The_American_Taliban.html Thought it appropriate here.


    • polimicks
      March 30, 2010

      The stupid… it burns.
      See you at Norwes?


      • spitphyre
        March 31, 2010

        Yup. I have a workshop, two panels and a reading on Friday (6:30, you should come!) and on Saturday three workshops. You?


      • polimicks
        March 31, 2010

        Yup. You gonna have my check and copy from the article?


      • polimicks
        March 31, 2010

        Oh, and I’ll see if I can find Gravity Hill to show you the edits and stuff I suggested.


  2. ayeshadream
    March 30, 2010

    What an immature whiny douchbag… sorry, JERK.
    I’ve been verbally attacked and threatened with physical attack by people who don’t seem to understand that you can have heated yet civil discourse and yet we’re supposedly the ones who are doing the attacking?
    Last time I checked our rallys don’t feature regular threats of gun violence.


    • polimicks
      March 30, 2010

      Nor have we been pitching rocks through the windows of RNC offices or senators.


    • spitphyre
      March 31, 2010

      THIS! I HATE hearing people say how horrible liberals are when so many conservative rallies encourage violent rhetoric.


  3. biomekanic
    March 30, 2010

    re empathy:
    What they really mean is “Why don’t you just STFU and realize I’m right?!? WHY!?! WHY!?!?!? WHY!?!?!?!”


    • polimicks
      March 30, 2010

      Re: re empathy:
      Also, “Don’t you see how hard it is for ME, when you keep insisting other people are real and have needs and feelings as well? You’re just trying to make me feel bad with your insistence on legal equality, and that I treat other people like human beings….”


      • biomekanic
        March 30, 2010

        Re: re empathy:
        See! Now you get it! You should be more tolerant of their intolerance towards you.


      • polimicks
        March 30, 2010

        Re: re empathy:
        Seriously… self-actualization, it shouldn’t just happen to other people.


  4. karjack
    March 30, 2010

    Will no one pity the plight of the conservative white male?


  5. gloraelin
    March 30, 2010

    It’s all about me! It’s never about you, you’re just dirt!
    in other topics, do you have another link for the pandagon article? The one in your post isn’t working and I can’t find it on the regular site.


    • polimicks
      March 30, 2010

      I’m sure it’ll come back. Pandagon crashes occasionally. I can’t get to it at all right now.
      I’ll post an edit when it’s fixed.


  6. botia
    March 31, 2010

    That’s a whole big pile of WTF and projection right there.
    I pretty much read the whole thing with my jaw on the floor.


    • polimicks
      March 31, 2010

      The stupid entitled privilege is pretty fucking blinding, isn’t it?


  7. botia
    March 31, 2010

    Yeah, I just ordered one of Kiteley’s books. If I like it, I’ll be ordering all of them.
    Thanks, Jeff!


    • polimicks
      March 31, 2010

      Hee hee! I may have to do that too. I wonder how much business he’ll get from this.


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